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Ministry Websites That Increase Donors, Volunteers, and Supporters

Ministries all over the world are using the Internet to expand their outreach and opportunities for ministry. Your ministry can benefit by creating a professional website that tells visitors about your mission and vision while engaging them through e-mail newsletters, social networking, online fundraising and much more.

Tell Your Story

Every ministry has a story behind it. Whether you are a parachurch ministry that works with churches to reach your community, or a single person feeding the homeless on the streets, a website gives you an outlet for getting the vision out and allowing it to resonate in the hearts and minds of supporters around the globe.

Raise Money for Ministry

Internet fundraising efforts have generated BILLIONS of dollars over the last decade. With the right tools and a good campaign, you can raise the money you need to fulfill your mission. Take credit cards online, utilize tools like PayPal and AuthorizeNet, and track donor contributions instantly and automatically using the assortment of online tools and services that exist.

Recruit Volunteers and Ministry Partners

You can't fulfill a God-sized vision all alone. Use your website to build relationships with volunteers and ministry partners in your area... and beyond! Use online forms and volunteer management systems to gather information about potential partners and communicate electronically with all of them. Announce your events and watch as people show up to help. It’s the miracle of what a web presence can do for you.

Do you need help planning your ministry website? Our on-staff ministry website coach, Stacey Kelczewski, would be more than happy to help you. Just fill out the form to the right and she will contact you within one business day for a free ministry website planning session.
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