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Make $100 For Each Client You Send To Us For CMS Hosting Services

Affiliate referral program

We pay a flat fee for every successful referral you send to us. Payouts are every month and send to you or your organization.

  • $100 Referral Fee: Make easy money for simply sending folks our way
  • Monthly Payout: Prompt, check payments sent to you or your organization
  • 30-Day Tracking: Get credit even if it takes referrals 30 days to sign up
  • Online Tracking: Sign in and run reports on your progress at any time
  • Access the Affiliate Dashboard

Interested in finding out more? Click here for a free consultation

© 3nity Corporation • PO Box 272584 • Tampa, FL 33688 • (813) 441-9814 • Sales: (813) 441-9814